"Goatsrue (Galega officinalis) Identification and Management in Pasture" by Jacob Hadfield, Corey Ransom et al.

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Utah State University Extension

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Goatsrue is an aggressive invasive plant and a declared Utah state noxious weed (Category 1B). It was introduced into the Cache Valley in 1891 and spread through the irrigation canals, streams, and rivers of the Bear River drainage. Cache County has one of the largest goatsrue infestations in the nation. Luckily, only small infestations are found in neighboring counties (Box Elder, Rich, Weber, and Davis). Goatsrue’s rapid growth, prolific seed production, and ability to spread quickly through waterways make it a problem and concern for many residents of Cache County. Properly identifying and managing goatsrue can help reduce the size of large infestations, eliminate small infestations, and limit its spread.

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