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Utah State University Extension
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Many growers want to increase crop productivity and farm profitability. On-farm research is a way growers can achieve this goal by discovering answers to important questions about the benefits of using specific products or practices they are uncertain about or are unproven. Validating the efficacy of already-implemented practices is another important reason to do on-farm research trials (Nielsen, 2008). Each farm is unique and can benefit from individualized on-farm research, especially since university and industry researchers cannot study every product or practice for every unique field or farm growing condition. This how-to guide covers benefits and best practices for conducting successful on-farm research.
Recommended Citation
Yost, M., Gale, J., Creech, E., Baker, M., Austin, J., Cardon, G., & Zesiger, C. (2022). On-Farm research guide [Fact sheet]. Utah State University Extension.