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This fact sheet addresses vegetable planting dates in Grand and San Juan counties in Utah. “When should I plant?” and “What should I plant?” are two of the more common questions received from Utah gardeners. To answer the “When” question, you need to know something about the climate where you live. Vegetable plants vary in their response to temperature and are grouped by how they cope with cold or hot conditions. There are four (4) vegetable groups, which include the hardy, half-hardy, tender, or very tender crops. These groups are also referred to as the cool season (hardy or half-hardy) and warm season (tender or very tender) vegetables.
Recommended Citation
Suggested citation: Wytsalucy, R., Farnsworth, C., & Drost, D. (2024). Suggested vegetable planting dates: Grand and San Juan counties [Fact sheet]. Utah State University Extension.