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Utah State University Extension

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This fact sheet, the second in a two-part series, outlines a study conducted in January 2024 with florists operating in the Intermountain West. It provides local cut flower growers with pertinent information on florist preferences for sourcing flowers locally. An online Qualtrics survey was conducted in January 2024 with florists in six Intermountain states, including Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming, Colorado, and Montana. A total of 1,412 florists were invited by email to complete the survey. A total of 205 florists responded to the survey, with 170 valid responses. The survey questions centered on various aspects of florist businesses, including their experience sourcing local flowers from growers and cooperatives, perceived barriers to local sourcing, and their current and projected local flower purchases. Additionally, florists were asked about their current preferences and needs for local cut flowers, including pricing, quantity, variety, and delivery preferences.



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