All Current Publications
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Utah State University Extension
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In Utah, there are typically three generations of corn earworm (CEW) each year. The first generation of adults either come from overwintering pupae (southern and central Utah), or migrate into northern Utah. The adult moth is tannish brown with a 1 1/2 inch wingspan. The front wings are marked with a distinct dark spot in the center and darker bands near the outer margins. The hind wings are lighter tan, with a dark band along the outer margins. The male moths have green eyes. Moth flight occurs primarily on warm, overcast evenings. Moth populations can be monitored using pheromone or black light traps.
Recommended Citation
Evans, Kent; Frank, Erin; Gunnell, JayDee; Pace, Mike; and Shao, Maggie, "Coryneum or Shothole Blight" (2008). All Current Publications. Paper 888.