4-H and Youth
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Create Better Health Curriculum, Casey Coombs and Jaqueline Neid
Creaciones en la Cocina Curriculum, Celina Wille
Pet Rabbit Projects: Getting Started, Melanie Stock, Jessie Hadfield, Jake Hadfield, and Nicloe Reed
Market Steer Projects: Getting Started, Jacob Hadfield, Joshua Dallin, and Jessie Hadfield
Nutrition Guide for Rabbits, Amanda Pratt, Melanie Stock, and Jessie Hadfield
4-H Career Readiness - Agribusiness, Joshua Dallin and Kelsey Romney
4-H Career Readiness- Animal, Dairy and Veterinary Sciences, Animal and Dairy Science Emphasis, Joshua Dallin and Kelsey Romney
4-H Career Readiness - Animal, Dairy and Veterinary Sciences, Biotechnology Emphasis, Joshua Dallin and Kelsey Romney
4-H Career Readiness - Animal, Dairy and Veterinary Sciences, Bioveterinary Science Emphasis, Joshua Dallin and Kelsey Romney
4-H Career Readiness - Animal, Dairy and Veterinary Sciences, Equine and Management Emphasis, Joshua Dallin and Kelsey Romney
Leadership Keys: Unlocking Doors to Success, Cindy Nelson
Market Goat Nutrition - Quick Tips, Joshua Dallin and Cody Zesiger
Market Hog Nutrition - Quick Tips, Joshua Dallin and Cody Zesiger
Market Lamb Nutrition - Quick Tips, Joshua Dallin and Cody Zesiger
Market Steer Nutrition - Quick Tips, Joshua Dallin and Cody Zesiger
Understanding the Basics of Rabbit Care, Nicloe Reed and Amanda Christensen
User Guide for the 4-H Livestock Weight Calculators, Cody Zesiger, Joshua Dallin, Matthew D. Garcia, and Nicole Reed
Using Google Expeditions to Introduce Virtual Reality, Elizabeth Davis and Andrea Schmutz
Body Image in Adolescence, Jaqueline Neid-Avila and Brittany Bingeman
Create Farm Fresh Food Curriculum, Casey Coombs
Create MyPlate Youth Curriculum, Gaelynn Peterson, Sharmi Crowther, and Suzanne Prevedel
Get Educated: Understanding Federal Student Loans, Wynell Pettett and Marilyn Albertson
Higher Education: How Parents Can Support Their Children, Celina G. Wille
Jr. Livestock Show: "Market Goats", Deric Despain, Karah Nay, and Kevin Heaton
Market Goat First Aid, Basic Care, and Common Diseases in Show Goats, Flip Book, Karah Nay and Deric Despain
Market Goats: Tips for Beginning a Livestock Project, Deric Despain, Karah Nay, and Kevin Heaton
Proper Care and Management of Common Health Concerns with 4-H Goat Projects, Karah Nay and Deric Despain
Proper Care and Management of Common Health Concerns with 4-H Hogs, Karah Nay, Dennis Worwood, and Kerry A. Rood
Proper Care and Management of Common Health Concerns with 4-H Steers and Heifers, Karah Nay, Matthew D. Garcia, Kerry A. Rood, and Chelsea Walker
Swine First Aid, Basic Care, and Common Diseases in Show Hogs, Flip Booklet, Karah Nay, Dennis Worwood, and Kerry A. Rood
4-H Agribusiness, Joshua Dallin
Crowdfunding in Extension: Leveraging Relationships to Offset Declines in Traditional Funding, Paul Hill, Emy Swadley, and Kaleb Esplin; Journal of Extension
Effective Chaperone Selection and Training for Enhanced Youth Experiences, Emily J. Anderson, Kelsey Roop, and Stacey MacArthur; Journal of Extension
Helping Children Identify and Cope with Emotions, Elizabeth Davis and Naomi Brower
The Leadership Puzzle, Putting the Pieces Together, Cindy Nelson
Utah 4-H, County Contests, Joshua Dallin and Kelsey W. Romney
Utah 4-H, Creating a Foundational County Contest Structure, Kelsey W. Romney, Alicia Teuscher, and Joshua Dallin
Utah 4-H Portfolio Guide, Joshua Dallin and Kelsey W. Romney
Culturally Responsive 4-H Youth Development in Southeast Alaska, Deb Jones and Linda Skogrand
Google Search: Basics, Paul Hill, Nicole Jensen, Nick Read, and Stacey MacArthur
Google Search: Techniques, Paul Hill, Nicole Jensen, Nick Read, and Stacey MacArthur
4-H Dairy Youth Opportunities in Utah, Clark Israelsen, Justin Jenson, and Allan Sulser
Choosing Digital Camera Lenses, Ron Patterson and Stephen Sagers
Film Speed or the ISO, Stephen Sagers and Ron Patterson
Me? Take Minutes? SURE!, Rebecca Mills
Shutter Speed in Digital Photography, Stephen Sagers and Ron Patterson
Tips for Beginning a Livestock Project: Market Hogs, Nicole Jensen, Paul Hill, Kevin Heaton, and Alyssa O'Toole
Tips for Beginning a Livestock Project: Market Lambs, Kevin Heaton and Nicole Jensen
Tips for Beginning a Livestock Project: Market Steers, Paul Hill, Alyssa O'Toole, and Kevin Heaton
Why Livestock Die from Eating Poisonous Plants, Beth Burritt
4-H TRY Lotions & Potions Curriculum, An Entrepreneurial Project, Donna Carter and Teresa Hunsaker
Indoor Photography, Stephen Sagers and Ron Patterson
Photo Composition, Stephen Sagers and Ron Patterson
4-H Fun with Foods - Lesson 1: Getting Ready to Cook, Georgia C. Lauritzen, Darlene Christensen, Susan Haws, Naomi Weeks, Debra Proctor, and Ronda Olsen
4-H Fun with Foods - Lesson 5: Microwave Munchies, Georgia C. Lauritzen, Darlene Christensen, Susan Haws, Naomi Weeks, Debra Proctor, and Ronda Olsen
4-H Fun with Foods - Lesson 6: Cookies: Molded, Refrigerator & Rolled, Georgia C. Lauritzen, Darlene Christensen, Susan Haws, Naomi Weeks, Debra Proctor, and Ronda Olsen
4-H Fun with Foods - Lesson 7: Sandwiches, Georgia C. Lauritzen, Darlene Christensen, Susan Haws, Ronda Olsen, Naomi Weeks, and Debra Proctor
4-H Fun with Foods - Lesson 8: Plan a Party, Georgia C. Lauritzen, Darlene Christensen, Susan Haws, Naomi Weeks, Debra Proctor, and Ronda Olsen
4-H Fun with Foods - Lessons 9 and 10: Smart Shopping, Have a Party, Georgia C. Lauritzen, Darlene Christensen, Susan Haws, Debra Proctor, Ronda Olsen, and Naomi Weeks
4-H Fun with Foods, Level 1 -Complete book, Georgia C. Lauritzen, Darlene Christensen, Susan Haws, Naomi Weeks, Debra Proctor, and Ronda Olsen
4-H TRY Coordinator's Manual, Donna Carter and Katrina Pearce
4-H TRY Member's Manual, Donna Carter and Karina Pearce
Basic Show Lamb Feeding and Care, Darrell Rothlisberger
Basic Show Pig Feeding and Care, Darrell Rothlisberger
Dutch Oven Cooking, Susan Haws
History of Photography, Stephen Sagers and Ron Patterson
Mechanics of a Digital Camera, Stephen Sagers and Ron Patterson
Show Lamb Selection, Darrell Rothlisberger
Show Pig Selection, Darrell Rothlisberger
Clover Cake Decorating, Naomi Weeks
Level 1An - Holes and Ridges Knitted Dishcloth - 103, Debra Proctor
Level 1B - Fleece Tied Pillow - 204, Ronda Olsen, Debra Proctor, and Karen Biers
Recording Proper Outdoor Lighting, Stephen Sagers and Ron Patterson
Spa and Healthy Lifestyles: 4-H Afterschool, Naomi Weeks
Utah 4-H Stadium Jumping, Rebecca Lewis and Patricia Evans
Youth City Councils, Stanley M. Guy
Baby Rail Blues, Debra Proctor and Deonn Stott
Basic Parliamentary Procedure for 4-H Clubs, Donna Carter
Basic Tips for 1st Year Junior Livestock Market Projects, Donna Carter
Eye-Catching Visual Aids for 4-H Demonstrations, Donna Carter and Julie Swindells
Half Square Triangles, Debra Proctor, Deonn Stott, and Ronda Olsen
Straight Grain Quilt Borders, Debra Proctor and Ronda Olsen
Teens Reaching Youth (TRY) 4-H Volunteer Program, Donna Carter
Tooele County 4-H Leader's Guide, Stephen Sagers
4-H Mentoring: Youth and Families with Promise, Kathleen Riggs, Katie Henderson, and Brian Higginbotham
Welcome to Weber County 4-H, New 4-H Club Member Welcome Packet, Donna Carter
Level 1A - Designer Pillowcase - 102, Ronda Olsen and Debra Proctor
Level 1An - Diagonal Knit Dishcloth - 101, Debra Proctor
Level 1An - Double Yarn Knit Slippers - 102, Debra Proctor and Kristine Saunders
Level 1B - Reversible 14" Tied Pillow - 201, Debra Proctor and Karen Biers
Level 1B - Reversible 16" Tied Pillow - 202, Ronda Olsen, Debra Proctor, and Karen Biers
Level 1B - Reversible 18" Tied Pillow - 203, Ronda Olsen, Debra Proctor, and Karen Biers
Level 2 - Fleece Stocking Hat - 301, Debra Proctor, Ronda Olsen, and Karen Biers
Raising a Bucket Calf, Robert Pate
Basic Show Steer Feeding and Care, Darrell Rothlisberger
Show Steer Selection, Darrell Rothlisberger
Retaining 4-H Volunteers by Effectively Delegating 4-H Program Responsibilities, Deb Jones
Youth/Adult Partnerships: Tips for Success, Deb Jones
Afterschool Programs in Your Community, Funding and Collaboration, Deb Jones
Recognition of 4-H Volunteers, Deb Jones
A Note About Market Lamb Docking, USU Extension
Basic Crochet Slipper, Debra Proctor
Chalkboard with Pocket Placemat, Debra Proctor and Kami Williams
Considerations for Knit fabrics, USU Extension
Crocheted Market Bag from Recycled Plastic Grocery Bags, Jodi Smith
Cuffed Knit Slippers, Debra Proctor
Fleece Facts, USU Extension
Knitted Nesting Pincushion, Debra Proctor
Make Your Own Knitting Needles, Debra Proctor
Panel Quilt with Prairie Points, Debra Proctor and Kami Williams
Single Crochet Double Hot Pad, Debra Proctor
The 4-H Crocheting Handbook, Susan Haws and Debra Proctor
The 4-H Knitting Handbook, Debra Proctor and Susan Haws