
Food Structure

Volume 5, Number 1 (1986)


Action of Polyphosphates in Meat Products
D. F. Lewis, Kathleen H.M. Grooves, and J. Hilary Holgate


Microscopal Observations on the Structure of Bacon
C. A. Voyle, P. D. Jolley, and G. W. Offer


Accuracy and Utility of Sarcomere Length Assessment by Laser Diffraction
Peter A. Koolmees, Frank Korteknie, and Frans J.M. Smulders


Ultrastructure of Cooked Spaghetti
M. A. Pagani, D. J. Gallant, B. Bouchet, and P. Resmini


Ultrastructure of Maize Starch Granules. A Review
Daniel J. Gallant and Brigitte Bouchet


Mucilage in Yellow Mustard (Brassica Hirta) Seeds
I. R. Siddiqui, S. H. Yiu, J. D. Jones, and M. Kalab


Mechanical Properties of Cheese, Cheese Analogues and Protein Gels in Relation to Composition and Microstructure
M. L. Green, K. R. Langley, R. J. Marshall, B. E. Brooker, A. Willis, and J. F. V. Vincent