"USU Faculty Forum Minutes, November 7, 2011" by Utah State University

Faculty Senate & Faculty Senate Executive Committee

Document Type

Faculty Forum Minutes


Taggart Student Center Auditorium

Publication Date


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  • How can the quinquennial post-tenure review process be made more effective? What possible rewards or consequences should be used in a revamped process?
  • Should there be more faculty involvement in campus design and planning activities (e.g., new student recreation center, road 700 N., parking issues and concerns)?
  • Should faculty be able to continue receiving extra compensation for overload teaching? Clarification of Human Resources policy on overload teaching.
  • How should faculty compensation be approached during hard economic times? How can faculty voice about compensation priorities be more effectively expressed? What is the role of BFW in these processes and are their recommendations followed?
  • How can we facilitate more effective integration of faculty on the Eastern campus with their home departments? (Similar issues may exist in parts of RCDE.)
  • Open forum for the discussion of other topics of your choice (e.g., the use of external review letters in P&T decisions when research is not the predominant faculty role; university wide purchase of important software such as TurnItIn, SPSS; communication between USU faculty and Board of Regents; the reduction in financial support for graduate assistants)
