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How do the mental health services offered by USU pre-COVID19 compare to the present? COVID19 has essentially taken the world and changed it. People are required to stay inside more, there is a decrease in social interaction and there is a political aspect most weren't expecting. This question is important because in such tumultuous time, mental health and mental health services are of utmost importance. Isolation and a change in most every aspect of life can take a toll on someone's mental health. The approach to this project is done with mixed methods. Students majoring in English at Utah State University will be surveyed and there will also be an interview with a faculty member in the English department. Most students have not noticed an increase and if some had it was the minimum changes. These results are significant because even though USU has changed their services offered most students aren't being made aware of the changes. The global pandemic of COVID19 has been a struggle for everyone ranging from students of all ages, teachers and professors and business professionals. We need to take care of our mental health and that starts at the root of things like services offered to students.


Utah State University

Publication Date



English Language and Literature

How Do the Mental Health Services Offered by USU Pre-COVID19 Compare to the Present?
