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In this study, a Sociology student research group looked at previous and ongoing coping strategies of college students at Utah State University. Previous research indicates that college students suffer from depression and use copious coping strategies to deal with this debilitating mental illness. They may be positive or negative in nature. Previous research is dated, and new material should be conducted to continue the education on coping strategies students use to deal with depression. This paper will outline the steps taken, research done, and an overall analysis of data of Utah State University students and their coping strategies for depression. This study included 66 college students who participated in an online survey found on Google Forms. The information was gathered by walking around campus and asking people to participate, online links through social media, and promoting it within social groups. There was not a monetary incentive for completing the survey. To understand our subjects better, we collected demographic information (gender and grade level). There were not any other identifiable factors recorded, nor a way to link the information back to the participants afterward. This is an important point of emphasis in our gathering of data and was mentioned to the participants.

Publication Date



Logan, UT


coping strategies, depression, mental health



Coping Strategies in Utah State Students With Depression

Included in

Sociology Commons
