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Effects of Heat Flux on Nucleate Boiling in Microgravity, Andrew Fassman; Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research 2011
The Design and Construction of a Microgravity Boiling Experiment, Troy Munro; Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research 2011
Surface Geometry and Heat Flux Effect on Thin Wire Nucleate Pool Boiling of Subcooled Water in Mictrogravity, Troy Munro and Heng Ban; Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters 2011 Annual Conference
Surface Geometry and Heat Flux Effect on Thin Wire Nucleate Pool Boiling of Subcooled Water in Microgravity, Troy Munro and Andrew Fassman; AIAA Region VI Student Conference
Follow Up Nucleate Boiling On-Flight Experiment, Andrew Fassmann; USU Student Showcase
Bubble Behavior in Nucleate Boiling Experiment Aboard the Space Shuttle, Justin Koeln, Jeffrey Boulware, and Heng Ban; 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition
Gravitational Effects on Thin-Wire Subcooled Nucleate Boiling Dynamics, Justin Koeln, Andrew Fassmann, Troy Munro, and Rob Barnett; USU Physics Department Colloquium