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Stromatolite biostromes as bioevent horizons: An example from the Middle Cambrian Ute Formation of the Northeastern Great Basin, K. E. Eagan and W. David Liddell; Paleontologic Events: Stratigraphic, Ecologic and Evolutionary Implications

Permeabilites of fault-related rocks and implications for fault-zone hydraulic structure, James P. Evans and C B. Forster; Journal of Structural Geology


Permeability of Fault-Related Rocks, and Implications for Hydraulic Structure of Fault Zones, James P. Evans, Craig B. Forster, and James V. Goddard; Journal of Structural Geology

Fault-Related Rocks of the Wasatch Normal Fault, Utah, James P. Evans, W. A. Yonkee, W. T. Parry, and R. L. Bruhn; Geological Society of America Fieldtrip Guidebook

The role of ductile shear in metamorphic inversion, a Himalayan example, Mary S. Hubbard; Journal of Geology

Neogene cooling and exhumation in the southwest Pamir mountains, Tadjikistan, Mary S. Hubbard, E. S. Grew, K. V. Hodges, M. G. Yates, and Pertsev; GSA Abstracts with Programs

Structure and stratigraphy of the Muddy Creek supradetachment basin, Susanne U. Janecke; Structure and stratigraphy of the Muddy Creek supradetachment basin

Rapidextension in an Eocene volcanic arc: Structure and paleogeography of an intraarchalf-graben in central Idaho, Susanne U. Janecke, B. F. Hammond, L. W. Snee, and J. W. Geissman; Geological Society of America Bulletin

Three-dimensional geometry of rift basins resulting from extensional folding, Susanne U. Janecke, C. J. VanDenburg, and J. J. Blankenau; AAPG Hedberg Conference

Structural Geology Applied to the Evaluation of Fractured Sedimentary Bedrock Aquifers in the Pinebrook Subdivision, Summit County, Utah, K. E. Keighley and James P. Evans; Four Corners Geological Society Symposium on Fractured Natural Systems

Structural Geology of Western Snyderville Basin, and Its Impact on Hydrogeology in a Rapidly Developing Region, K. E. Keighley, W. A. Yonkee, F. X. Ashland, and James P. Evans; Geological Society of America Fieldtrip Guidebook

Patterns of benthic community structure, W. David Liddell, W. E. Avery, and S. L. Ohlhorst; 8th Int. Coral Reef Symp

Sequence stratigraphy and paleoecology of the Middle Cambrian Spence Shale in northern Utah and southern Idaho, W. David Liddell, S. W. Wright, and C. E. Brett; Brigham Young Geol. Stud

N-trending folds and ENE-striking normal faults postdate 5.1 Ma Salt Lake Formation and predate pediment, Cache Valley, Utah, NE Basin-And-Range province, K. A. Smith, R. Q. Oaks Jr., and Susanne U. Janecke; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs

Structural geology of the dextral Norumbega Fault Zone, D. West and Mary S. Hubbard; Tectonophysics



Fault Zone Architecture and Permeability Structure, Jonathan Saul Caine, James P. Evans, and Craig B. Forster; Geology

Freshwater molluscs from Eocene- Oligocene rift basins of Montana and Idaho, M. Dascoli, S. C. Good, and Susanne U. Janecke; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs


Geologic Map of the Logan Quadrangle, Cache County, Utah, James P. Evans, James P. McCalpin, and David C. Holmes; Utah Geological Survey Map


Three-Dimensional Variation in Extensional Fault Shape and Basin Form: The Cache Valley Basin, Eastern Basin and Range Province, USA, James P. Evans and Robert Q. Oaks Jr.; Geological Society of America Bulletin

Quartz and Feldspar microstructures as indicators of variable deformation conditions: examples from the Norumbega Fault Zone, Maine, Mary S. Hubbard; GSA Abstracts with Programs

Cooling history of the Makalu Massif: product of weathering or tectonic exhumation?, Mary S. Hubbard, P. Molnar, J. Kalvoda, and K. Hodges

Extension-related folds: Their classification and significance, Susanne U. Janecke, J. J. Blankenau, and C. J. VanDenburg; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs

Sedimentation patterns in the Muddy Creek, Medicine Lodge/Horse Prairie and Grasshopper supra-detachment basins, MT, Susanne U. Janecke, J. W. M'Gonigle, W. C. McIntosh, C. J. VanDenburg, W. J. Perry Jr., S. C. Good, and R. Nichols; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs

Scale dependent reactivation of pre-existing structures by an Eocene-Oligocene detachment fault, southwestern Montana, Susanne U. Janecke, W. J. Perry, and J. W. M'Gonigle; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs

Comparative taphonomy of bivalves and foraminifera from Holocene tidal flat sediments, Bahia la Choya, Sonora, Mexico (northern Gulf of California): Taphonomic grades and temporal resolution, R. E. Martin, J. F. Wehmiller, S. Harris, and W. David Liddell; paleobiology

Paleogene syntectonic sedimentation and passive infilling of the Horse Prairie half graben, SW MT, C. J. VanDenburg, Susanne U. Janecke, and W. C. McIntosh; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs

Multiple episodes of Tertiary extension in the west-central Horse Prairie basin, southwestern Montana, C. J. VanDenburg, Susanne U. Janecke, and R. Nichols; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs

Tertiary paleogeographic and tectonic evolution of the Upper Horse Prairie basin, southwest Montana, C. J. VanDenburg, Susanne U. Janecke, and R. Nichols; Northwest Geology


Book Review of: Mechanics in the Earth and Environmental Sciences, James P. Evans; Journal of Structural Geology


Fluid-Rock Interaction and Weakening of Faults of the San Andreas System: Inferences from San Gabriel Fault-Rock Geochemistry and Microstructures, James P. Evans and Frederick M. Chester; Journal of Geophysical Research


Chemical Changes and Fluid-Rock Interaction in Faults of Crystalline Thrust Sheets, Northwestern Wyoming, U.S.A., James V. Goddard and James P. Evans; Journal of Structural Geology

Tectonic exhumation of the Nanga Parbat massif, nortern Pakistan, Mary S. Hubbard, D. Spencer, and D. West; Earth and Planetary Science Letters

The Norumbega Fault Zone, Maine: major shear zone or terrane boundary?, Mary S. Hubbard and H. Wang; GSA Abstracts with Programs

The Norumbega Fault Zone, Maine: crustal profile of a transcurrent boundary, Mary S. Hubbard, D. West, A. Ludman, and D. R. Lux; Atlantic Geology

Eocene to Oligocene half grabens of east-central Idaho: Structure, stratigraphy, age, and tectonics, Susanne U. Janecke; Field trip guide to accompany a field trip led for the Rocky Mountain section of the Geological society of America

Possible late Cretaceous to Eocene sediment dispersal along structurally controlled paleovalleys in the MT/ID thrust belt, Susanne U. Janecke; Conference on alluvial fans

Possible late Cretaceous to Eocene sediment dispersal along structurally controlled paleovalleys in the MT/ID thrust belt, Susanne U. Janecke; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs

Structure and paleogeography of an Eocene intra-arc half-graben, ID, Susanne U. Janecke, B. Hammond, and L. Snee; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs

Geometric analysis of folds in central Idaho and SW Montana, M. Jeppson and Susanne U. Janecke; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs

Taphonomy and time- averaging of foraminiferal assemblages in Holocene tidal flat assemblages, Bahia la Choya, Sonora, Mexico (northern Gulf of California), R. E. Martin, M. S. Harris, and W. David Liddell; Marine Micropaleontology

The role of the Indus suture in the exhumation of the Indian Plate (NW Himalaya, Pakistan), D. A. Spencer, M. N. Chaudhry, M. Ghazanfar, and Mary S. Hubbard

The role of the Indus Suture in the exhumation of the Nanga Parbat Massif (Indian Plate, NW Himalayas), D. A. Spencer, Mary S. Hubbard, and D. West

Anatomy of Reservoir-Scale Normal Faults in Central Utah: Stratigraphic Controls and Implications for Fault Zone Evolution and Fluid Flow, P. Vrojlik, R. Myers, M. L. Sweet, Z. K. Shipton, B. Dockrill, James P. Evans, Jason E. Heath, and A. P. Williams

Variability in strain, deformation mechanisms, and metamorphism across the Norumbega Fault Zone, central Maine, H. Wang and Mary S. Hubbard; GSA Abstracts with Programs



Structural Analysis of the Brigham City-Weber Segment Boundary Zone, Wasatch Normal Fault Zone, Utah: Implications for Fault Growth and Structure, James P. Evans and Holly Langrock; Pure and Applied Geophysics

Role of ductile shear on the formation of inverted metamorphism, Mary S. Hubbard; Journal of Nepal Geological Society

Shear deformation along the Himalayan Main Central Thrust: do thermobarometers tell the whole story?, Mary S. Hubbard; Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union

Paleogeography of an Eocene to Oligocene rift zone, ID and MT, Susanne U. Janecke; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs

Sedimentation and paleogeography of an Eocene to Oligocenerift zone, Susanne U. Janecke; Geological Society of America Bulletin

Wrench tectonics in Alpine orogenesis: evidence from the western French Alps, W. LeBihan and Mary S. Hubbard; Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union



Internal Structure and Weakening Mechanisms of the San Andreas Fault, Frederick M. Chester, James P. Evans, and Ronald L. Biegel; Journal of Geophysical Research

Deformation Mechanisms and Kinematics of a Crystalline-Cored Thrust Sheet: The Washakie Thrust System, Wyoming, James P. Evans; Geological Society of America Speical Papers

Mechanisms and Kinematics of a Precambrian-Cored Fold and Fault Structure: Jakey's Fork, Wyoming, James P. Evans, M. A. DuBois, D. Batatian, D. Derr, S. Harlan, L. Malizzi, R. M.Dowell, G. Nelson, M. Parke, C. J. Schmidt, and E. Weberg; Geological Society of America Speical Papers

Orogen-parallel strike-slip faulting in the Beaufort area, French Alps, R. Fantini and Mary S. Hubbard; GSA Abstracts with Programs

Estimates of Late Cenozoic extension, east-central Idaho, Susanne U. Janecke; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs

Structures in segment boundary zones of the Lost River andLemhi faults, east central Idaho, Susanne U. Janecke; Journal of Geophysical Research

Timing and episodicity of Middle Eocenevolcanism and onset of conglomerate deposition, Susanne U. Janecke and L. W. Snee; Journal of Geology

Mechanical Behavior of Basement Rocks, Scarface Thrust, Central Madison Range, Montana, C. J. Schmidt, James P. Evans, S. Harlan, D. Batatian, D. Derr, M. DuBois, L. Malizzi, R. McDowell, G. Nelson, M. Parke, and E. Weberg; Geological Society of America Speical Papers

Integracion ecologia de grupos funcionales en la laguna arrecifal de Alacranes, Yucatan, Mexico, D. Torruco, M. A. Gonzalez, and W. David Liddell; Berensia


Bedrock structures in the Brigham City-Weber segment boundary, Wasatch normal fault, Utah, James P. Evans and Susanne U. Janecke; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs


Footwall Deformation along the Willard Thrust, Sevier Orogenic Belt: Implications for Mechanisms, Timing and Kinematics, James P. Evans and Douglas S. Neves; Geological Society of America Bulletin

Evidence for multiple deformation along the Norumbega Fault Zone in central Maine, K. Higgins and Mary S. Hubbard; Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada annual meeting abstracts

Fold development in a strike-slip shear zone, the Norumbega Fault system, Maine, Mary S. Hubbard; Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union

Lateral displacement during Neogene convergence in the Western and Central Alps, Mary S. Hubbard and N. Mancktelow; Geology

Lateral Displacement in the Western Alps, Mary S. Hubbard and N. S. Mancktelow

Geologic map of part of the Big Windy Peak and Moffett Springs 7.5' quadrangles, Susanne U. Janecke; Idaho Geological Survey Technical Report 92-6

Geologic map of the Donkey Hills and part of the Doublesprings 15' quadrangles, Susanne U. Janecke; Idaho Geological Survey Technical Report 92-4

Geologic map of the northern part of the Arco Hills and southern part of the Arco Pass 7.5' quadrangles, Susanne U. Janecke; Idaho Geological Survey Technical Report 92-9

Geologic map of the northern two-thirds of the Methodist Creek and Mackay and some of the Mackay Reservoir and Sunset Peak 7.5' quadrangles, Susanne U. Janecke; Idaho Geological Survey Technical Report 92-8

Geologic map of the Warren Mountain, most of the Red Hills, Short Creek, and Massacre Mountain and some of the Mulkey Bar and Hawley Mountain 7.5' quadrangles, Susanne U. Janecke; Idaho Geological Survey Technical Report 92-7

Kinematics and timing of three superposed extensional systems, Susanne U. Janecke; Tectonics

Structural insights into the neotectonics of the central Lost River and Lemhi faults (LR-LF), east-central Idaho, Susanne U. Janecke; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs

Geologic map of the Borah Peak, Burnt Creek, Elkhorn Creek, and Leatherman Peak 7.5' quadrangles, Custer County, Idaho, Susanne U. Janecke and E. Wilson; Idaho Geological Survey Technical Report 92-5

Experimental analysis of abrasion and dissolution resistance of modern reef-dwelling Foraminifera: Implications for the preservation of biogenic carbonate, E. Kotler, R. E. Martin, and W. David Liddell; Palaios

Ten years of disturbance and change on a Jamaican fringing reef, W. David Liddell and S. L. Ohlhorst; 7th Int. Coral Reef Symp.

Sedimentology and community structure of reefs of the Yucatan Peninsula, M. J. Novak, W. David Liddell, and D. Torruco; 7th Int. Coral Reef Symp.

Tertiary paleogeographic maps of the western Idaho-Wyoming-Montana thrust belt, D. W. Rodgers and Susanne U. Janecke; Geological Society of America Memoir 179

Geochronological and structural evidence for differential movement along the Norumbega Fault Zone, south-central Maine, D. P. West Jr., Mary S. Hubbard, and D. R. Lux; Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada annual meeting abstracts


Mesozoic Tectonics of the Northern Wasatch Range, Utah, W. A. Yonkee, James P. Evans, and P. G. DeCelles; Field Guide to Geologic Excursions in Utah and Adjacent Areas of Nevada, Idaho, and Wyoming


Structural Setting of Seismicity in Northern Utah, James P. Evans; Utah Geological Survey Contract Report

Fluid-Rock Interaction and Weakening in Faults of the San Andreas System: Inferences from San Gabriel Fault-Rock Geochemistry and Microstructures, James P. Evans and F. M. Chester; U. S. Geological Survey "Redbook" Fluids and Faulting

Permeability Structure of a Thrust Fault, C. B. Forster, J. V. Goddard, and James P. Evans; U. S. Geological Survey "Redbook" Fluids and Faulting

Fluid Flow in Thrust Faults and Crystalline thrust sheets: Results of Combined Field and Modeling Studies, C B. Forster and Evans J. P; Geophysical Research Letters


Hydrogeology of Thrust Faults and Crystalline Thrust Sheets: Results of Combined Field and Modeling Studies, Craig B. Forster and James P. Evans; Geophysical Research Letters


Constraints on unroofing rates in the high Himalaya, eastern Nepal, Mary S. Hubbard, L. H. Royden, and K. V. Hodges; Tectonics

Strike-parallel displacement along the Maine Mantle Thurst, Babusar Pass-Nanga Parbat region, Pakistan, Mary S. Hubbard and D. Spencer; GSA Abstracts with Programs

Top-to-the-WSW displacement along the MMT, Babusar Pass-Nanga Parbat region, Pakistan, Mary S. Hubbard and D. S. Spencer; Geologie Alpine Memoir

Major dextral strike-slip deformation in the northern Appalachians: the Norumbega Fault Zone, Maine, Mary S. Hubbard, D. P. West Jr., D. R. Lux, J. Orifici, C. V. Guidotti, K. Higgins, and J. Yanasak; GSA Abstracts with Programs

Eocene ninety degree flip of extension directions, east-central Idaho: A response to slowing oceanic convergence, Susanne U. Janecke; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs

Structural, geochronologic and paleomagnetic investigations of Tertiary extension in east-central Idaho [Ph.D. dissertation], Susanne U. Janecke; Ph.D. dissertation

Localized rotation duringPaleogene extension in east-central Idaho: Paleomagnetic and geologicevidence, Susanne U. Janecke, J. W. Geissman, and R. L. Bruhn; Tectonics

Abrasion-resistance of modern reef-dwelling Foraminifera from Discovery Bay, Jamaica -- Implications for test preservation, E. Kotler, R. E. Martin, and W. David Liddell; Proc. Vol. Fifth Symp. Geol. of the Bahamas

Sampling of sessile organisms, W. David Liddell and S. L. Ohlhorst; Magill's Survey of Science: Life Science Series

Taphonomy of foraminifera in modern carbonate environments: Implications for the formation of foraminiferal assemblages, R. E. Martin and W. David Liddell; Fossilization: The Processes of Taphonomy


Book Review of: Metamorphic and Tectonic Evolution of the Western United States, James P. Evans; Journal of Geological Education

Textures and Deformation Mechanisms and the Role of Fluids in Cataclastically Deformed Granitic Rocks, James P. Evans; Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology, and Tectonics


Thickness-Displacement Relationships for Fault Zones, James P. Evans; Journal of Structural Geology

Range-Parallel Transport in the western Alps, Mary S. Hubbard and N. S. Mancktelow

Constraints on unroofing rates, eastern Nepal, Mary S. Hubbard and L. Royden

WSW-trending deformation between Babusar Pass and Toshe Gali, Pakistan, Mary S. Hubbard and D. Spencer; Geological Bulletin of the University of Peshawar