"Scoping Report for the Glen Canyon Dam Long-term Experimental Plan Env" by U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation

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This report summarizes the issues raised during the initial scoping process for the Bureau of Reclamation's Long-term Experimental Plan for Glen Canyon Dam Operations and Other Management Actions Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). This report describes the initial scoping process and presents the schedule, describes the scoping meetings, summarizes comments submitted by the public, and provides an overview of the relevant issues that Reclamation anticipates will be analyzed in the EIS.

Scoping is defined by the regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) as the process whereby lead agencies solicit input from the public on what the issues and alternatives are that will be addressed in an EIS. For this EIS, Reclamation is the lead agency due to its authority over Glen Canyon Dam and Powerplant and because the alternatives being considered include structural modifications to the dam and modifications of releases of water from the dam. Other federal and state agencies and Indian tribes are involved as cooperating agencies in helping define the scope of the action and the design and implementation of the experimental plan.
