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Hill AFB proposes to accommodate current United States Air Force (USAF) missions by demolishing 12 structures on Hill AFB. All 12 buildings have both aged and deteriorated to the point they cannot be economically repaired or remodeled. Seven of the 12 buildings would be demolished without being replaced in kind. For five of the 12 buildings, military construction (MILCON) projects would provide new facilities to house the activities that are or were being performed in the deteriorated structures. The proposed action and the no action alternative were both considered in detail. Following the demolition phase, backfill and revegetation operations would prevent erosion of the site. The proposed action could be implemented with minor air emissions of short term duration. During demolition activities, solid wastes and wastes containing asbestos, lead-based paint, PCBs, mercury, asphalt, petroleum products, and any contaminated soils would all be stored, transported, disposed, and/or recycled properly. The proposed demolition projects would have an adverse effect on cultural resources, but mitigation efforts would be conducted according to an existing MOA with the Utah SHPO. No long-term environmental impacts are expected from either the proposed action or the no action alternative.
