"Ruby Canyon/Black Ridge Integrated Resource Management Plan, Record of" by United States Bureau of Land Management

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The decision to implement this plan is in conformance with the 1987 Grand Junction Resource Area Resource Management Plan (RMP). Many of the management actions being proposed in the plan constitute an amendment of the RMP. This integrated resource management plan employs a "benefits based management approach" which expands our management focus beyond lands and resources to also address resulting outcomes as improved conditions. Plan implementation for the RCBR ecosystem will be done through an interdisciplinary ad-hoc committee which defines issues and prioritizes management actions. In addition, the vision statement developed by the ad-hoc committee will continue to provide guidance for the RCBR ecosystem for the next 10 to 15 years. The vision statement asserts, "The Ruby Canyon/Black Ridge Ecosystem will continue to contribute to the current quality of life for the Grand Valley and will be managed for a balance of sustainable use and preservation."


United States Bureau of Land Management, Management Plan & Environmental Assessment # CO-076-96-15. SuDocs call # I 53.59/2:R 82/RECORD.
