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This report contains hydrologic and climatologic data that were collected as part of an investigation of the southeastern Uinta Basin, Utah and Colorado, by the U.S. Geological Survey. The data are mainly for the 1978 water year, which includes the period October 1977-September 1978. Conroy and Fields (1977) reported data collected mainly for water years 1975 and 1976, and Conroy (1979) reported data collected mainly for water year 1977.
Recommended Citation
United States Geological Survey, "Hydrologic and Climatologic Data, Southeastern Uinta Basin, Utah and Colorado: Water Year 1978" (1980). All U.S. Government Documents (Utah Regional Depository). Paper 257.
United States Geological Survey Open-File Report #80-1025. SuDocs call # I 19.76:80-1025.