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The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), United States Department of the Interior (USDI), is proposing a program to treat vegetation on up to six million acres of public lands annually in 17 western states in the continental United States (U.S.) and Alaska. The primary objectives of the proposed program include fuels management, weed control, and fish and wildlife habitat restoration. Vegetation would be managed using five primary vegetation treatment methods: mechanical, manual, biological, chemical, and prescribed fire. The BLM and its contractor, ENSR, are preparing a Vegetation Treatments Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to evaluate the effects of the proposed vegetation treatment methods and alternatives on lands managed by the BLM in the western continental U.S. and Alaska (ENSR 2004a). As part of the EIS, several ERAs and a Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA; ENSR 2004b) were conducted on several herbicides used, or proposed for use, by the BLM. These risk assessments evaluated the potential risks to the environment and human health from exposure to these herbicides both during and after treatment of public lands. For the ERAs, the herbicide a.i. evaluated were tebuthiuron, diuron, bromacil, chlorsulfuron, sulfometuron methyl, diflufenzopyr, Overdrive® (a mix of dicamba and diflufenzopyr), imazapic, diquat, and fluridone. The HHRA evaluated the risks to humans from only six a.i. (sulfometuron-methyl, imazapic, diflufenzopyr, dicamba, diquat, and fluridone) because the other a.i. were already quantitatively evaluated in previous EISs (e.g., USDI BLM 1991). [Note that in the HHRA, Overdrive® was evaluated as its two separate components, dicamba and diflufenzopyr, as these two a.i. have different toxicological endpoints, indicating that their effects on human health are not additive.] The purpose of this document is to summarize results of the ERA for the herbicide imazapic.


Contract No. NAD01 Document Number 09090-020-650
