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During December 1979 through August 1980, pilot plants and laboratory facilities were operated at the LaVerkin Springs, Utah site to characterize the water and to evaluate various pretreatment processes and desalting processes. The pretreatment processes studied included aeration-precipitation, lime treatment, lime-soda ash treatment, and lime-ion exchange treatment. Desalting at 80 and 90 percent water recovery levels was studied with both electrodialysis and high pressure reverse osmosis process equipment. Also, a "spiractor" was evaluated at the site as a lime-soda ash reactor and as a calcium sulfate desupersaturator. Data and results obtained from the test program will be used for feasibility study, cost estimates, and development and design of any future water collection system and pretreatment and desalting plant installations at the LaVerkin Springs site.
Recommended Citation
Eisenhauer, R. J. and Bureau of Reclamation, "LaVerkin Springs, Utah On-Site Pretreatment and Desalting Processes Evaluations" (1985). All U.S. Government Documents (Utah Regional Depository). Paper 555.