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This report contains hydrologic data collected in Cache Valley from 1969 to 1991. The report area is in north-central Utah and southeast Idaho, within the Basin and Range physiographic province described by Fenneman (1931), and includes about 660 square miles. Most of the data in this report were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Utah Department of Natural Resources, Divisions or Water Resources and Water Rights. Some of the data collected before 1969 were previously published by McGreevy and Bjorklund (1970). The purpose of this report is to provide hydrologic data for use by the general public and by officials managing the area's water resources, and to supplement interpretive reports for the area. Tables 1 to 7 contain selected well, spring, and surface-water data. The numbering systems used in this report for hydrologic-data sites are illustrated in figure 1. Hydrologic-data sites are shown on plate 1. These data could not have been collected without the cooperation of local residents and officials of irrigation companies and municipalities, that permitted access to their wells, springs, and canals to measure water levels in wells and flow in springs and canals. The Idaho Deparment of Water Resources also provided valuable assistance Ind data.
Recommended Citation
Roark, D. Michael; Hanson, Karen M.; and U.S. Geological Survey, "Selected Hydrologic Data for Cache Valley, Utah and Idaho, 1969-91" (1992). All U.S. Government Documents (Utah Regional Depository). Paper 557.
Open-File Report 92-173