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3-D Seismic Exploration Project, Ute Indian Tribe, Uintah & Ouray Reservation, Uintah County, Utah, Marc T. Eckels
Type Locality for the Great Blue Limestone in the Bingham Nappe, Oquirrh Mountains, Utah, United States Geological Survey
Geology of the Oquirrh Mountains, Utah, United States Geological Survey
Surficial Geologic Map of the Oak City Area, Millard County, Utah, United States Geological Survey
Simulating a Large Wasatch Front, Utah, Earthquake Using Small Earthquake Recordings as Green's Functions, United States Department of Defense, Air Force Geophysics Laboratory
Potential Geologic Hazards Near the Thistle Landslide, Utah County, Utah, United States Geological Survey
Mechanisms of Crustal Deformation in the Western United States, United States, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Kinematics of Great Basin Intraplate Extension from Earthquake, Geodetic and Geologic Information, Paul Kendall Eddington
Evaluation of Low-Temperature Geothermal Potential in Cache Valley, Utah, Janet L. de Vries
Geologic Characterization Report for the Paradox Basin Study Region Utah Study Areas, Volume V, Appendices, United States Department of Energy
Utah Geothermal Institutional Handbook, A User's Guide of Agencies, Regulations, Permits and Aids for Geothermal Development, L. Ward Wagstaff and Stanley Green
Geologic Map of the Steamboat Mountain and Bible Spring Quadrangles, Western Iron County, Utah, Myron G. Best, Robert L. Davis, and U.S. Geological Survey
Geologic Map and Coal Sections of the Red Point Quadrangle, Eugene G. Elllis, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Geological Survey, and Joseph R. Frank
Geophysical Measurements in the Beaver Basin, West-Central Utah; Part 1--Slingram, Magnetic, and Self-Potential Profiles, Vincent J. Flanigan, David L. Campbell, and U.S. Geological Survey
Geochemical Results from a Rock Geochemical Survey in the Mount Belknap Caldera Vicinity, Utah, Robert E. Tucker, William R. Miller, J. N. Motooka, and U.S. Geological Survey
Conodont Biostratigraphy and Thermal Color Alteration Indices of the Upper St. Charles and Lower Garden City Formations, Bear River Range, Northern Utah and Southeastern Idaho, United States Geological Survey
Field-Trip Guide to the Quaternary Stratigraphy and Faulting in the Area North of the Mouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon, Salt Lake County, Utah, United States Geological Survey
Shallow electromagnetic data from three known fault zones in the Paradox Basin, Utah, Raymond D. Watts and U.S. Geological Survey
Geophysical Well-Log Measurements in Three Drill Holes at Salt Valley, Utah, Jeffrey J. Daniels, Robert J. Hite, James H. Scott, and U.S. Geological Survey
Chemical Trends in the Ice Springs Basalt, Black Rock Desert, Utah, W. C. Lynch and W. P. Nash
Study of Earthquake Recurrence Intervals on the Wasatch Fault, Utah: Little Cottonwood Canyon Site, F. H. Swan, III; Kathryn L. Hanson; David P. Schwartz; Peter L. Knuepfer; and U.S. Geological Survey
Geology, Characteristics, and Resource Potential of the Low-Temperature Geothermal System Near Midway, Wasatch County, Utah, James F. Kohler
Hydrothermal alteration at the Roosevelt hot springs thermal area, Utah: Petrographic characterization of the alteration to 2 kilometers depth, J. M. Ballantyne and W. T. Parry
Monroe, Utah,Hydrothermal System: Results from Drilling o f Test Wells MC 1 and MC 2, D. S. Chapman and Roger Harrison
Thermal Waters of Utah, Topical Report, Harry D. Goode