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This publication provides introductory information on the Plant Information Network (PIN) and a print-out of PIN data. The PIN was a computerized data base containing information on native and naturalized vascular plants of five Western States. Information was included on over 5,000 species found in Colordo, Montana, North Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. Because of funding restrictions PIN is no longer operated as a computerized data base. This publication makes the PIN data available to resource managers, planners, and others who have a continuing need for this information.

Approximately 500 descriptors were included in the data base for each species. These were grouped under the general headings of taxonomic, geographic, biologic, ecologic, and economic plant characteristics. Taxonomic, geographic, and biologic descriptors are included for all plants in the data bank. Ecologic and economic descriptors are included only for plants identified as important for reclamation, rangeland, wildlife habitat, legal status, or other resource management consideration.


Sudocs call # I 49.89:83/36
