"The Curriculum for the Lab Portion of a Training for Day Care Provider" by Celeste Anderson

Date of Award


Degree Type

Creative Project

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)




Not specified


Along with many areas in the United States of America, Carbon County, Utah is considered economically depressed. With the unemployment rate at nearly 14%, spouses have entered the work force. In addition there are many single parents.This has left a high rate of children at risk and increased the demand for home day care providers, Although twelve hours of training per year are mandated by state law, very few providers have had any formal or professional training beyond an occasional evening workshop . What training has been offered has generally been along the lines of managerial, business and physical environment requirements as well as state licensing and nutrition program standards. (Family Day Care Standards, 1987) Since children are the core of the day care business, emphasizing training that centers around understanding appropriate behaviors of children, and providing optimum environments for interaction with the children in developmentally appropriate activities, is critical. (Washburn , 1985)

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