Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning
Committee Chair(s)
John Nicholson
John Nicholson
Lee Nellis
Larry Wegkamp
Western boomtowns have been the focus of intense planning activity since the early 1970's. The goal of this activity has been to manage rapid growth caused by large energy, industrial, and resource developments. Planning assistance has been made available to impact communities in a variety of forms including financial aid from senior levels of government and from impacting industries, economic and demographic forecasting models, growth-management consulting firms, case studies, and comprehensive handbooks for community action. There has been rapid mobilization of sophisticated administrative and technical expertise to mitigate the problems of impacted communities.
Recommended Citation
Brown, Mark Richard, "Limitations of Computerized Impact Assessment Models for Planning in Small Towns" (1983). All Graduate Plan B and other Reports, Spring 1920 to Spring 2023. 1071.
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