Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mathematics and Statistics

Committee Chair(s)

Rex L. Hurst


Rex L. Hurst


Donald V. Sisson


In an attempt to improve the yield and quality of the sugar beet, many problems arise as to the effect of "growing space" on the individual beets. Large quantities of chemical data can be collected on individual beets and the problem of reducing this data to a suitable and understandable effect of space on the chemical data needs investigating. In the past this reduction process has been accomplished by slow hand calculation methods , thus making it virtually impossible for the scientist to analyze and propose corrective measures at the time they are needed . With the use of high speed computing equipment this need no longer be a major facto r of concern to the research worker today, and it is felt that the mathematical models involved can be solved . It is the purpose of this study to develop a prog ram utilizing computers to solve a typical problem of the effect of space on individual beets.
