Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Committee Chair(s)

J. E. Christiansen


J. E. Christiansen


A. Alvin Bishop


A major factor in the design of drainage systems is the hydraulic conductivity of the soil strata to be drained. Various methods for measuring the hydraulic conductivity of soils in both the field and the laboratory have been devised. In many cases, however, laboratory methods fail to give reliable data since the natural field conditions under which flow actually takes place cannot be duplicated in the laboratory. Hence a need exists for a field method for measuring hydraulic conductivity of soils in situ. When a large number of tests are to be performed in a given location, a simple, quick, accurate, and inexpensive method would be very desirable. After making studies of Lagunda de La Nava Project in Spain for the purpose of analyzing irrigation, drainage, and salinity problems, Professor J. E. Christiansen (1964) Consultant for the Hydrotechnic Corporation, suggested a simple piezometer method for determining the relative hydraulic conductivity of the soils. Using this method and the formula suggested by Professor Christiansen, several tests were performed in various locations. The object of this report is to describe this piezometer method for determining the relative hydraulic conductivity of the soil strata and to present the results obtained in a limited field study, together with conclusions and recommendations.
