Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Computer Science

Committee Chair(s)

Wendell L. Pope


Wendell L. Pope


A program written in today's sequential programming languages must be written according to a rule which states that source instructions must be written in their exact order of execution. A better rule would be to let the programmer write the instructions in any order he wants- - then let a program figure out the proper order of execution. Such a system applies not only to individual instructions in a procedure or program, but to procedures in a program and to programs in a job stream.

This paper and its associated automatic ordering program introduce a method by which instructions can be written in any order. The ordering program analyzes the source instructions and determines their order of execution. Semaphores are utilized by the ordering program to control the order of execution of the source instructions. Were this system to be used in conjunction with a compiler, the user of such a compiler would no longer be forced to worry as much about the order of his source instructions. Thus, the programmer would be able to concentrate more on the "what" of programming rather than so much on the "how" of programming. The programmer, then, would be writing programs at a higher level than is possible with current higher level languages.
