Date of Award
Degree Type
Creative Project
Degree Name
Master of Second Language Teaching (MSLT)
World Languages and Cultures
Committee Chair(s)
Abdulkafi Albirini
Abdulkafi Albirini
Kevin Krogh
Sylvia Read
This portfolio is the culmination of the author’s work in the Master of Second Language Teaching program at Utah State University. Throughout this collection the author shares her personal views and experiences from teaching secondary and postsecondary beginning Spanish courses, supporting her claims with existing research. The portfolio consists of three sections: (1) teaching perspectives, (2) research perspectives, and (3) annotated bibliographies.
The objective of this work is to identify hindrances to the progress of foreign language teachers and learners, and best practices to stimulate their success. On the basis that language learning can promote cross-cultural understanding, these findings are valuable to educators and learners who seek to bridge cultural divides and unify their communities—one classroom at a time.
Recommended Citation
Mower, Emily, "The Successful Foreign Language Classroom: Affect, Empathy, and Engagement" (2018). All Graduate Plan B and other Reports, Spring 1920 to Spring 2023. 1199.
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