"Development of a Discrete Mathematics Textbook and Guide for High Scho" by Rebecca A. Stokes

Date of Award


Degree Type

Creative Project

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mathematics and Statistics

Committee Chair(s)

David E. Brown


David E. Brown


James S. Cangelosi


LeRoy B. Beasley


This project was to create the beginnings a textbook for teacher's to supplement instruction of a discrete mathematics course at the high school level. The development of the text was guided by past and current efforts to place discrete mathematics in high school curriculum. A review of the literature and experiences of instructors were viewed and analyzed to guide the construction of the textbook. The text was written with the goal to give teachers information about the topics of discrete mathematics, extra resources, lesson ideas , and optional worksheets for students. Several lessons were created and one was implemented in a high school in Utah; the opinions of the students and teacher who participated were recorded and analyzed.

Included in

Mathematics Commons
