Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Applied Economics

Committee Chair(s)

Kynda Curtis


Kynda Curtis


Ryan Larsen


Ruby Ward


The purpose of this paper is to examine the economic benefits of community gardens and incubator farms, both of which support the populations they serve from an economic viewpoint as well as socially, and as a benefit to public health and nutrition. The findings were gathered from the large body of research concerning the benefits of community gardens as well as program evaluation responses conducted with gardeners at the Cache Refugee and Immigrant Connection (CRIC) garden in Logan, Utah in 2020. They are also informed by experiences had and lessons learned while working as the garden manager. There is a wealth of information being circulated by researchers in the field about how the many ways community gardens help members of a community, especially those who are considered disadvantaged groups such as increased feelings of wellbeing associated with being outside in green spaces and an increase in the amount of nutritious foods consumed by those who participate in community gardens. This wealth of information is most likely only rivaled by the abundance of food produced at the CRIC garden, which is consumed by those who grow it and their families and is also freely given in gratitude for the opportunities presented to them. It is true that many people come together to gather the resources that are needed to make the garden possible. Without grant money and donations of time and capital the garden would not be possible. But when looked at through the lens of what it gives back, the amount of wealth spread around is hard to fully understand. The purpose of this paper is to look at the benefits to those who are involved with a specific community garden in Logan, Utah. The total value of this garden in terms of saving and contributions to users and the surrounding community has been established. These findings seek to quantify and qualify the full extent of the impacts the garden has on the gardeners and the community as a whole.
