Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Communication Studies and Philosophy
Committee Chair(s)
Kaitlin Phillips
Kaitlin Phiilips
This paper overviews my final master’s degree project. In this project, I researched the intersection of power and communication. Using academic articles, I reviewed best practices regarding power in the classroom. In addition, I found articles that discussed power and communication within organizations. Using these two bodies of research, I wrote a literature review focused on power bases and power distances. These two specific forms of power were chosen because they each have a different focus, but they can both be applied to teaching practices and organizations. I was then able to design a course to teach these concepts by drawing on the research from the literature review. In addition, this course allows me to practice using the behaviors and strategies I learned from my research.
Recommended Citation
Clayton, Cody, "Power and Communication: A Literature Review and Course Proposal" (2022). All Graduate Plan B and other Reports, Spring 1920 to Spring 2023. 1659.
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