Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science (BS)
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Committee Chair(s)
John Rice
John Rice
James Bay
Ziqi Song
This objective of this study is to determine a method or tool for taking given slope stability parameters and quickly and effectively determining the factor of safety against sliding of fully softened slopes. This study evaluates the effects of soil and geometric parameters of common slopes, and models these properties in a hypothetical model. The methodology is based on a parametric analysis using the Spencer’s Method of Slices limit equilibrium analysis used in the computer program Slide2. A parametric analysis is performed to determine which soil and/or geometric properties have a high influence on slope stability. The parametric analysis is then checked using a finite element model system using Rocscience’s R2 finite element modeling software. The parameters that influence the global stability were found to be: slope height (h), soil depth (Ds), groundwater ration (Dw/Ds), and the soil friction angle (φ).
A step by step on how the excel model was built is discussed in this report as well as the quality control check that was performed. The results are presented in an Excel tool that can be used in a Monte Carlo simulation to produce a probability of failure as compared to a factory of safety. The limitations to the model and a brief discussion on the results is included.
Recommended Citation
Davis, Bradley, "Development of an Excel Model to Evaluate The Stability of Slopes" (2022). All Graduate Plan B and other Reports, Spring 1920 to Spring 2023. 1672.
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