"Gibberellic and Naphthalene Acetic Acid Effects on ‘Rupert’ Potato Var" by Logan Atkinson

Date of Award


Degree Type

Creative Project

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Applied Economics

Committee Chair(s)

Ryan Feuz


Ryan Feuz


Ryan Larsen


Ryan Bosworth


Potato processing facilities often rely on early maturing potato varieties to maintain adequate supplies before harvest of more traditional varieties. The Rupert variety is an example of such an early-maturing variety. However, the Rupert variety has traditionally been characterized by low average stem counts and large tuber sizes. Abnormally large tubers can add difficulties and costs to the processor. Gibberellic acid (GA) and Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) are plant growth regulators that promote growth and have the potential to affect average stem count and in turn, decreases average tuber size. Across two trials and locations (Gooding and Jerome, ID) GA and NAA were applied to Rupert potato seeds to evaluate the effect of their application on the average plant emergence and stem count. GA/NAA application was not found to have a consistent effect on emergence across trials and through time. Application of GA at 0.5 ml/ton of seed and NAA of 0.12oz/ton of seed was found to increase average stem count by approximately 0.25-1 additional stem as compared to untreated control plants. Through simulation analysis, GA/NAA application was found to be more cost effective at controlling for average stem count per acre as compared to decreasing plant spacing and using more seed.
