"Creating a Classroom of Access: Learner Identity and Intercultural Com" by Kallen Brunson

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Second Language Teaching (MSLT)


World Languages and Cultures

Committee Chair(s)

Sarah Gordon


Sarah Gordon


Karin DeJonge-Kannan


Elena Taylor


This portfolio represents the coursework, readings, writings, classroom observations, teaching experiences, and reflections during my time in the Utah State University Masters in Second Language Teaching program. It is composed of three main components: my teaching philosophy, reflections on a selection of classroom observations of other instructors, and a position paper on World Englishes and pragmatics. Additionally, this portfolio gives background on the professional environment of the author and looks forward to the future.

The main paper consists of a position paper regarding World Englishes and cultivating identity and intercultural communicative competence, supplemented by a paper on incorporating pragmatics into the classroom. As such, it is the result of a review of current literature surrounding the topic and an effort to provide an approach that can be implemented within the classroom. It gives an overview of the native speaker myth and predominant ideologies in English language learning, suggesting how language teachers may combat stereotypes and hegemonic views through multiliteracies approaches and pedagogies of care.
