"An Exhibition of Women's United States Air Force Uniforms" by Michelle Robinson

Date of Award


Degree Type

Creative Project

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



Committee Chair(s)

Susan Grayzel


Susan Grayzel


Rebecca Andersen


Molly Cannon


The new Women in the Air Force exhibit under development at the Hill Aerospace Museum, located at Hill Air Force Base, Utah, is long overdue. The exhibit is set to replace the existing display in order to more accurately and comprehensively represent women’s continuing legacy of service to our nation. The uniforms in the Hill Aerospace Museum collection constitute the focal point of the new exhibit. Material culture methodologies form the foundation of this exhibit work; seeking to provide greater understanding of women’s military experience and history through the analysis of their uniforms. This approach therefore utilizes uniforms, the museum’s greatest resource of service women’s primary source material, to learn more about female participation in the United States Air Force (USAF) in the 20th century.

The development of this exhibit will provide a greater representation of Air Force women and their history in the USAF through their uniforms. This completed exhibit acknowledging the ever-present women of the United States Air Force will serve to inspire the next generation of female airmen and all who look upon the stories of these patriotic women.
