Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Theatre Arts

Committee Chair(s)

Bruce Duerden


Bruce Duerden


Shawn Fisher


Nancy Hills


Lynda Linford


The Three Musketeers was directed by Professor Colin Johnson and produced on the Morgan Stage at Utah State University in April of 2011. The earliest meetings for The Three Musketeers occurred in January 2011. The first big concern was the cinematic nature of the script by Ken Ludwig. This script required twenty different physical locations with very little space textually to transition between these locations. The best way to contend with this challenge was to create a world representative of the culture and feel of France during the 1620s. The iconographies created by the images are very distinct, but are architecturally very open with clear lines giving shape to structures. The only clear French icons that the director presented at these initial meetings were church windows (Figure 1-1) and Fleur de Lis (Figure 1-2). Seeing these images, I began to develop a vision of this production in the evocative nature. I needed to further research these thoughts to help support my vision in order to establish a conceptual dialogue with the director.
