"Interagency Barriers and Facilitators in Transition Planning for Stude" by Deanna Lynn Taylor

Date of Award


Degree Type

Creative Project

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)


Special Education and Rehabilitation

Committee Chair(s)

Robert Morgan


Robert Morgan


Judith Holt


Jared Schultz


This study examined the barriers and facilitators identified by both vocational rehabilitation counselors and special educators in four states (Florida, Maryland, Oregon and Utah) regarding collaboration in transition planning. Two survey questionnaires were disseminated: one to vocational rehabilitation counselors and one to special educators in that requested information on perceptions of the level of knowledge on transition planning and activities, level of satisfaction, and open-ended questions for suggestions on how to improve collaboration between the two groups. The surveys were nearly identical and were designed to explore barriers that the two disciplines experience working with each other as well as ratings of recommendations to strengthen collaboration. The findings suggest that participation in transition and knowledge and skill level of transition varies in perception by special educators, with perception generally higher among vocational rehabilitation counselors, and that a number of barriers and facilitators exist to justify these perceptions. Respondents also suggested numerous recommendations for improving collaboration.
