"The Effects of Mnemonics to Increase Accuracy of Multiplication Facts " by Logan James Eubanks

Date of Award


Degree Type

Creative Project

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)


Special Education and Rehabilitation


Not specified


The intent of this project is to replicate a specific instructional method used in Wood et al.’s study focusing on the use of the pegword mnemonic strategy paired with stories and illustrations for 15 targeted multiplication facts remaining after mastering math facts in the zeros, ones, twos, fives, or nines groups. Three questions will be asked during this project on the effects of mnemonic instruction using pegword strategies on the percentage of multiplication facts answered correctly by third, fourth, and fifth grade students with learning disabilities? 1) Does pegword instruction paired with stories and illustrations result in immediate improvement for the specific multiplication facts taught? 2) Are students’ performances on previously taught multiplication facts maintained as new multiplication facts are introduced? 3) Do students maintain accuracy on 2 and 4 week follow-up tests?
