Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Computer Science
Committee Chair(s)
Nicholas Flann
Nicholas Flann
Vladimir A. Kulyukin
Xiaojun Qi
Skill Finder is a tool which ranks the student skills from the resumes to the job requirements from Employers, Department and Faculty looking for student interns, full-time employees and also Research, Graduate and Teaching Assistants. Skill Finder hosts student resumes, Academic history and contact information. Authorized users from the Department can post jobs, view job applicants and the Skill finder automatically sorts the students resumes based on the degree of match with the job. Skill finder also sends e-mail alerts to students about the jobs posted and keeps track of employer’s history by maintaining the complete history of jobs posted from the employers.
Recommended Citation
Kalva, Thimma Reddy, "Skill Finder: Automated Job-Resume Matching System" (2013). All Graduate Plan B and other Reports, Spring 1920 to Spring 2023. 343.
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