Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Computer Science
Committee Chair(s)
Vicki H. Allan
Vicki H. Allan
Kenneth Sundberg
Curtis Dyreson
Errors and inconsistencies between code components can be very costly in a software project. E orts to reduce these costs can include the use of tools that limit human interac- tion with code by generating it from a description. This paper introduces two new works to address these issues: (1) an input speci cation called Typed EBNF (TEBNF), and (2) a prototype tool that demonstrates how TEBNF can be used to generate code. The tool generates code for a console application as described by a TEBNF grammar. An application built from the generated code will be able to receive input data, parse it, process it, and output it as needed.
Recommended Citation
Young, Jason Gerald, "Code Generation: An Introduction to Typed EBNF" (2015). All Graduate Plan B and other Reports, Spring 1920 to Spring 2023. 497.
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