Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Committee Chair(s)

J. Paul Riley


J. Paul Riley


Gordon H. Flammer


Ronald V. Canfield


OF the total precipitation falling on watersheds throughout the world, an average of approximately 85 percent returns directly to the atmosphere through evaporation and use by mountain vegetation. The remaining 15 percent moves from the watersheds as runoff and becomes available in the valleys to be used by man for irrigation, industry, recreation, and many other requirements in recent years has led to an increasing need for efficient management of available water resources, and in this regard computer modeling or simulation has proved to be a powerful tool.

The study described herein involves simulation of the hydrologic system of the upper Bear River Basin by means of an electronic analog computer. The various processes within the model are linked by the continuity of mass principles, which requires a hydrologic balance at all points. The analog computer is ideally suited to the soluation of the time-dependent differential equations of the model and to the trial and error process required during testing and verification.

The primary objectives of the present study are: (i) to develop, using an analog computer, a simulation model of the hydrologic system of the upper Bear River Basin; and (ii) to demonstrate the applicability of the simulation model to water resource planning in the Bear River Basin by evaluating various alternative management possibilities subject to selected constraints.

A brief review of computer modeling is included in Chapter II. The development of the hydrologic and the corresponding analog computer model of the upper Bear River Basin is detailed in Chapter III. Results of the study are included in Chapter IV. Conclusions and limitations are mentioned in Chapter V. Finally, brief summary and recommendations for additional studies are presented in the last chapter of this report.
