"Participation in Dual Language Immersion Programs: Using Theory of Pla" by Andrea Call

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



Committee Chair(s)

Melanie M. Domenech-Rodriguez


Melanie M. Domenech-Rodriguez


Gretchen Peacock


Donna Gilbertson


The theory of planned behavior is used to explain and predict human behavior in a variety of situations. The theory proposes that attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control influence behavioral intention, which then influences behavior (Ajzen, 1991). Research has found that this model is useful in education for predicting teacher behavior in instruction, student participation in coursework, and parental involvement in education (Bracke & Corts, 2012; Campbell, 2010; Cheng & Chu, 2014; Lee et al., 2010). Dual Language Immersion consists of two languages being used for instruction in the same classroom (Alanis & Rodriguez, 2008). The goals of such programs included bilingualism, cultural understanding and academic achievement for all participants (Palmer, 2007). Utah is a recognized leader in the field ofDual Language Immersion and has a unique curriculum focused on early immersion (Leite, 2013; Utah Dual Language Immersion, n.d.). Utah also asserts five benefits of participation in DLI, although not every benefit is supported by the research. Other criticisms ofDLI include the necessity of resources and cultural capital. This review of the literature discusses the theory of planned behavior as a theoretic framework for understanding why parents enroll their children in a dual language immersion program. First, this literature review defmes the theory of planned behavior; then, reviews the literature on dual language programs. Implications of the research are also discussed.

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Psychology Commons
