Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education

Committee Chair(s)

Jay B. Jensen


Jay B. Jensen


Each year the public school speech therapist is confronted with large numbers of children having articulation problems. More often than not, the clinician is additionally faced with the task of selecting children with communication problems from among an extremely large population. By inspection, the list of children with articulation problems reveals a large percentage from the kindergarten, first and second grades who, if enrolled in a therapy program, would leave little time for children with problems in the upper grades.

The need for help with these articulation problems is felt almost universally by clinicians,Johnson (1967) indicated that as many as three out of every four speech problems are articulation problems. He also indicated a possible solution to the problem when he said:

From the standpoint of numbers, therefore, articulation disorders are deserving of special attention and consideration by the classroom teacher. (Johnson, 1967, p. 111)

With the additional help of the classroom teacher, the problem of large numbers of children needing some assistance could be reduced. An organized program of instruction in oral communication or a speech improvement program has as its purpose to teach children proper articulation. It is aimed at helping all of the children in each class become aware of correct speech sounds and to improve and develop their communication skills . The classroom teacher with the aid of a speech improvement program could substantially reduce the size of population from which the clinician must draw her caseload. This in turn would enable the clinician to help those children in the upper grades and to assist those who have more complex problems.
