"Graduate Recital" by Robert S. Frost

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



Committee Chair(s)

Ralph Matesky


Ralph Matesky


Max F. Dalby


James P. Shaver


The acquisition of new skills and the further development of previous skills has always been one of the ideas behind the graduate recital. Along with new skills come the knowledge and experience necessary to affect the individual's own performance and the performance of those whom he teaches . In music education it is difficult to teach that which one has not yet experienced or mastered and the graduate recital helps to fulfill the experience requirement and give new insights into understanding all aspects of music as a listener, performer, and teacher.

The graduate recital traditionally draws its literature from all periods and representative forms . Because of the limited amount of literature available for the viola in some of these periods, it was necessary to use some transcriptions from the cello works of that period. The program Has selected in consultation with my viola instructor, Professor Ralph Watesky, and did conform to the established standards for graduate recitals.

The recital report is used as an opportunity for the performer to study in some detail the evolution of the musical forms that were represented on his recital. The study of form adds dimension to the music and enhances good performance. Appreciation for the works of each of the composers is developed by studying a representative work in detail for its musical structure. In addition to its historical and musicological significance, the life of the composer i s viewed with its joys and sorrows-- each phase in some way affecting the music that was written.

The development of the musical form, the life of each of the composers, and the analysis of the structural form of each composition are given here as recapitulation of the graduate recital.
