Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Committee Chair(s)
Calvin G. Clyde
Calvin G. Clyde
James H. Milligan
Elliot Rich
This report is linked with the work done in fulfillment of the first objective of a research project now underway at the Utah Water Research Laboratory. The project, entitled "Application of Operations Research Techniques for Allocation of Colorado River Waters in Utah," is a matching fund grant by The Office of Water Resources Research of the United States Department of the Interior. The project has the following objectives: (1) formulate the mathematical model of that part of the state that can receive Colorado River water, (2) optimize the allocation model under different demand levels and study the economic effects of legal, political, and social limitations, (3) evaluate the usefulness of the operations research approach for water planning.
Recommended Citation
Gold, Rick L., "Formulation of a Mathematical Model for the Allocation of Colorado River Waters in Utah" (1969). All Graduate Plan B and other Reports, Spring 1920 to Spring 2023. 627.
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