"A Follow-Up Study of 1968-1972 Business Data Processing Graduates of T" by Robert B. Jenkins

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



Committee Chair(s)

Lloyd Bartholome


Lloyd Bartholome


The junior, community, or vocational-technical college is evolving into one of the most important educational institutions in the United States. The Carnegie Commission said, "Occupational programs should be given the fullest support and status within community colleges. These programs need to be flexibly geared to the changing requirements of society." Today's business society is constantly changing and this change necessitates constant analysis, evaluation, and revision of educational training programs. According to Goddard:

The development and improvement of junior college business curricula should be based on careful evaluation of present curricular offerings in business and extensive research into the nature of educational requirements for initial employment and advancement in business occupations. The use of follow-up studies, job surveys and analysis; advisory committees; and the study of expressed and interpreted needs, wants, and desires of individual students should provide an insight into the kind of business programs the junior college should provide.

The data processing curricula of any school is more vulnerable to obsolescence than any other area because of the rapidly changing nature of the field. Bangs and Hillestad stated:

The schools are not meeting the needs in training personnel for the many job opportunities in data processing in business. Much more effort needs to be exerted by school boards, school administrators, teachers, and state supervisors to inaugurate curriculums in data processing and to update programs currently in existence.
