Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Management Information Systems
Not specified
The development of management techniques which are in keeping with the changing environment has been termed "management science." Thrall points out that "management science has not yet reached a stage in which standardization or freezing of educational programs is desirable. " Further, he states that "we should explore new educational ideas, keeping in mind that many management scientists will become managers."
Management science may be in the rut described by Gordon and Howell. They assert that those businessmen and educators who fail to keep pace with change are forced to "plod in a rut they dug long ago. For them it is enough to tell students what business did yesterday and the day before."
The review of literature for this investigation revealed that little research has been done to ascertain whether college business administration programs are keeping pace with the changing business environment. Most of the available research deals with the problem on a national basis. What is needed is research on a local institution level to determine whether the the management program offered by a given institution meets the needs of the organizations hiring graduates of that program.
Recommended Citation
Zackrison, Richard E., "An Investigation to Identify Management Topics to be Included in the Business Administration Program at Utah State University" (1973). All Graduate Plan B and other Reports, Spring 1920 to Spring 2023. 739.
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Department name when degree awarded: Business Education