"A Survey Study of Employer and Student Interest in a Possible General " by Rick L. Dove

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



Committee Chair(s)

Charles Parker


Charles Parker


There are many definitions of distributive education. Lucy Crawford defines distributive education as follows:

Distributive education is a vocational instructional program designed to meet the needs of persons who have entered or are preparing to enter a distributive occupation or an occupation requiring competency in one or more of the marketing functions. It offers instruction in marketing, merchandising, related management and personal development. (Crawford & Meyer, 1972, p. 2)

Crawford and Meyer call distributive education "the people-center member of the vocational education family" (1972, p. vii) . Distributive education is a program of instruction for those who are interested in careers in the field of distribution. The instruction of the student is centered on the career objective of the student. Distributive education offers instruction for those who are already working in distributive occupations and for those who desire to enter distributive occupations. Post-secondary distributive education is designed for young and old; for those who have left high school; and for those who are enrolled as full-time students in a community college, junior college. or area vocational-technical school. The curriculum may be either a one-year or two-year design, and may be general or specialized.
