"An Awareness of the Guidance Services of District #91 as Seen by Stude" by Carlene Pace Herring

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)



Committee Chair(s)

Michael Bertoch


Michael Bertoch


Glen Casto


Ronald Peterson


This study is designed to obtain information about the awareness of the guidance services as seen by- students in the hope that it will bring about a renewed interest in, and the promotion of, a more functional program of guidance. The objectives of this study are summnarized as follows: 1. To provide data regarding perceived value or worth of the guidance program as rated by the pupils. 2. To identify perceived strengths and weaknesses in the guidance services for consideration by the Pupil Personnel Department of the district. a. To what extent are pupils orientated to the guidance service and activities available? b. To what extent are standardized tests and inventories being used? c. To what extent are the counseling services being used and are they meeting the personal and vocational needs of the students? d. To what extent does the student receive information about occupational opportunities, post-high school training, and other aspects pertaining to the informational service? e. To what extent is a work.able placement service being provided by the guidance program? 3. To identify areas of guidance services which might be emphasized

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