Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)




Not specified


Purpose of the study

Previous teaching experience is one of the most discussed issues in today's pupil personnel services. We find ourselves in the milieu of a controversy in which we have advocates of one camp who propose that teaching experience can be a handicap in the effectiveness of a counselor; and in the other camp, that teaching experience is a vital prerequisite for counselor effectiveness.

The controversy has reached such proportions that some states, which previously held teaching experience as a necessary requirement for counselor certification, have either changed certification requirements or have worked around the issue by accepting practice teaching, intern teaching, or substitute teaching as evidence that the requirement has been satisfied.

Method of procedure

The methods employed in this study were threefold: (1) a very thorough review of the current literature, (2) study of counselor certification requirements in the Southwest; namely, Arizona, California, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas, and Utah, and (3) an independent survey of school administrators employed in major cities within each of the above mentioned states. The administrators included secondary school principals, directors of pupil personnel services, and superintendents of schools.
