Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)



Committee Chair(s)

James Sturtevant


James Sturtevant


The field of probationary supervision today is marked by division and confusion. The probation officer who attempts to define the most effective approach to supervision is confronted with conflicting advice or, perhaps even worse, no advice at all. As Allen, Carlson, and Parks (1979) point out:

  • In summary, if we ask which caseload management strategies have been shown to be the more effective or efficient, we must answer that too little research has been done in this area to come to any definitive conclusion. (p. 67)

In spite of the lack of research to provide a "definitive conclusion," the literature does suggest some very specific directions which the field of probationary supervision must take if it is to improve its effectiveness and efficiency. The purpose of this report is then, to conduct a sufficiently in-depth review of the literature to answer the question: What is the current "state of the art" in the field of adult probationary supervision and effectiveness in meeting their duties and responsibilities to offenders, the community, and to themselves as professionals in the field of corrections?

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